4 Mar 2010

Find Out by Doing

A Model of Energy Levels

1. Cut a thin piece of corkboard into a circle 50 cm in diameter to represent an
2. Insert a colored pushpin or tack into the center to represent the nucleus.

3. Draw 3 concentric circles around the nucleus to represent energy levels. The inner
circle should be 26 cm in diameter; the second circle, 30 cm in diameter; the
third circle, 40 cm in diameter.
4. Using pushpins or tack of another color to represent electron, construct the
following atom:hydrogen (H), lithium (Li), fluor (F), neon (Ne), sodium (Na),
argon Ar).
5. Are any of these elements in the same family?

Referensi: Maton Anthea, dkk. 1993. Chemistry of Matter. Prentice-Hall,Inc.: New Jersey

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